Bioresonance is a form of regulatory medicine, just like homeopathy, acupuncture and other recognised complementary therapy methods, and is an effective tried and tested method. It is a painless, non-invasive and swift method of testing that offers the possibility of specifically supporting all kinds of diseases successfully. When we are not feeling well, the body's bio-field has becomes distorted due to environmental, chemical or emotional stress. Bioresonance systems are used to scan the body and then correct imbalances in the human bio-field and stimulate the functions of the body. The technology; originating from Germany, is designed to adjust your body’s energy patterns and effectively ‘tune’ them to a harmonious frequency, which can help with problems hidden deep in your physiology.
BioResonance is a non-invasive therapy
which involves placing electrodes on your skin for diagnosis and treatment. The electrodes are connected to a Bioresonance machine which assesses the energy wavelengths coming from your body, and then counteracts bad frequencies by restoring the optimum balance.
What can Bioresonance help